การสำรวจยอดขายรายไตรมาส (The Quarterly Retail Survey)
1 × 200.00 บาท
Disability Survey Report
Issuance of books: 5 years
Picture size - cm. 21.0x29.0 cm.
Published: Thai/English
Important statistical information:
present information at the national level Region and Province
Key statistics presented
- Disabled population
- Comparison of the population with disabilities in 2007 and 2012
- type of disability
- the level of educational achievement of the population with disabilities
- work and occupation of the population with disabilities
- Disabled population with difficulties or health problems
- People with disabilities who have difficulties in caring for themselves
- Caring for people with disabilities and difficulties in caring for themselves.
- The caregiver need for additional state care-related assistance or benefits.
- Disabled population with disabilities
- the use of assistive devices and the welfare of the population with disabilities
- The need for assistance or benefits related to additional public care of the disabled population.
- Use of computers and the Internet by people with disabilities
- Availability of personal mobile phones for people with disabilities.
- There are restrictions on activities in the household and community.
- Mental health and disability