การสำรวจยอดขายรายไตรมาส (The Quarterly Retail Survey)
1 × 200.00 บาท
Household Socio-Economic Survey (Report of the Household Socio-Economic Survey)
2007 Central Region (Central Region)
Book release schedule??:??Yearly
Document size??:?? 21.0??x 29.5??cm.
Picture size?Pocket book??:?? 14.5??x 21.0??cm.
Language offered?: Thai / English
key statistics
Presenting information at the national level??Region
&--183;?Household income
???????????-???Income comes from wages and salaries???Industrial business???Agriculture
???????????????? and income from other sources
&--183;?Household expenses??
????????-???Expenses of goods and services??? include???housing???consumption expenses???and not
????????????About consumer goods
&--183;?Household debt??