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The Population and Housing Census 2010 Khon Kaen Province

ราคา 200.00 Baht
publication year:
Document ID:
  • S1-001-F-53-00-000-P45-B

The Population and Housing Census 2010 Khon Kaen Province


Present information
Population sector

  • demographic characteristics
    • population and population distribution
    • population density
    • number of households household size and the gender of the household head
    • Age and gender structure of the population
    • religion and nationality
    • marital status
    • Having a name in the household register
    • disability characteristics
  • social and economic characteristics
    • study
    • literacy and writing
    • Work in the year Industry / working status
  • fertility
    • The number of children born alive and the number of children alive.
  • immigration
    • Place of birth and distance of residence in the current place of residence
    • Reason for migration

housing sector

  • Types and characteristics of housing
  • The possession of a dwelling and the land on which the dwelling is located
  • Source of drinking water
  • Type of use of the toilet
  • Using fuel for cooking
  • ownership of household appliances

The Population and Housing Census 2010 Khon Kaen Province

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